Dear Digication Community,
In keeping with our commitment to providing a minimum of two weeks' notice of any changes to our user interface (UI), we wanted to let you know about improvements that will occur after December 22, 2022, in the following areas:
Implementation of this update will not require any system downtime.
Sharing and Publishing
When sharing their ePortfolios, students sometimes forget to publish, or they forget to share with the correct people. As a result, we are combining sharing and publishing under a single button, “Share,” (1).
The “Share” button will remain available in the top menu bar even after one scrolls down the page (2).
The user interface will be reconfigured in the following ways:
- The yellow unpublished changes notification will be replaced by a red dot in “Share” (3).
- A message in “Share Settings” (4) will also appear if there are unsaved changes.
Additionally, the following will be available under “Share”:
- Viewing a work’s published version (5)
- Publishing one or more pages (6)
- ePortfolio settings (7, 8).
Further details about the user interface changes can be found in “Share and Publish your Work for the First Time” and “Share and Publish your Work.” These articles will be made available in the coming days.
Template features will remain the same. The user experience will be updated with the following improvements:
- Templates will also be shareable so that multiple users can collaboratively edit templates as they do with ePortfolios.
- When saving a template, the original copy of the ePortfolio will no longer be retained. Creating templates will therefore no longer leave ePortfolio duplicates.
- When clicking on “Add as Template”, instead of creating a template immediately, the user will first be presented with the template settings. Only upon confirmation of those settings will the template be created.
Please see the articles in “Creating and Managing Templates” for more information about using templates.
Instructions Sections
Instructions sections enable ePortfolio and template creators to provide guidance while creating work. Such sections appear only during editing. They are not included in published versions.
We will adjust the user interface to make it easier to differentiate instructions sections from regular sections, even when the two share the same background (9).
As always, if you have questions or feedback, we encourage you to reach out to our team at
Kind Regards,
Your Friends at Digication
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