Add or manage Pages

Version: Kora Courses, April 14, 2023 or later

Permissions required: Student

At the top of every ePortfolio in the Header section is the Navigation menu for accessing all your ePortfolio Pages. Pages can also be added, renamed, and organized by accessing the Page Settings. The Navigation menu also has the ability to be stylized. For more information, on editing your header section, please see "Edit the Header Section".

Accessing Page settings 

  • You can access your ePortfolio Page Settings by hovering over the Header section and clicking the lock icon (1) to unlock the section and make changes.

You can also unlock your header section by clicking on the navigation bar and selecting the “UNLOCK” button.


  • Next, bring your cursor over to the Navigation menu and click Edit (2).


  • You will arrive at your ePortfolio's Page Settings (3).

Adding and organizing Pages and Subpages 

While in Page Settings, you will have the ability to add pages and turn them into subpages. Click 'Add New Page'(or you can click on an existing page and click on the return or enter key on your keyboard) to create a new page and then click and drag the page to order it in your ePortfolio. You can make any page a subpage by dragging it underneath a page and then dragging it to the right.


Page settings

  • Clicking on the Settings button (1) for a page will reveal the options to customize the page URL, or set the page as Private or Heading.
  • Each page can be assigned a customized URL (2) for direct access. When setting your page URL, please use only letters, numbers, dots, hyphens, and underscores.
  • Setting a page as Private (3) prevents the page from being published or visible in the Published view. Private pages can only be accessed by those with Editing access to your ePortfolio.
  • Setting a page as a Heading (4) turns the page into an organizational header for your Navigation menu (Heading pages are not clickable by ePortfolio viewers).

Deleting Pages and saving your changes 

  • If you would like to remove a page from your ePortfolio, click the Delete button (1) for that page. When you are finished, click Save (2) to advance to the confirmation step.

  • Next, you will be asked to confirm your deletion (3) request by typing "delete" in the space provided and clicking "Yes, Delete it." Be aware, that page deletion is finalized after selecting "Yes, Delete it."

  • When you are finished customizing your page settings, click Save in the lower right corner of the screen to finalize your changes. Remember to publish any newly created pages when you want your audience to view your work.

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