Sections are used to organize your content within the pages of your ePortfolio. Each page can contain multiple sections, and each section can contain multiple modules. Modules hold different kinds of content such as text, documents, images and videos.
In the screenshot below you will see two sections on the ePortfolio page. The first section (1) has a background image with runners. A text module has been added with details about race times. The second section (2) has a background image with columns, and two modules; a text module with information about a study abroad experience and a media module showing arches. Sections and modules give you many design possibilities in presenting many different kinds of content.
Adding a New Section
To add a new section, Click the Add Content Button (1) at the bottom right-hand side of your page.
Next, select 'Section' (2) to add a new section to your ePortfolio.
All new sections are automatically added to the bottom your ePortfolio page. Once added, you can customize your new section style with a background color or image, and personal content added to Rich Text modules or Media modules.
Is it possible to link to specific slides in a New Digication ePortfolio?
Now that the Section links (left navigation panel) from Digication Classic is going away, more scrolling is required. Sub-page navigation just isn't as easy with the single top-line menu. So I'm wondering if there would be a way users could create links to slides within specific pages.
Hello Russel,
Thank you for your question! There isn't yet a method available to link between slides within the same page. At the moment, navigation of the ePortfolio is only accessible through the top menu. However, we have added your suggestion to our feature request list. Thank you again for your feedback!
Heather Cook
Customer Support Specialist
Greetings -- I've added a text slide -- -- but the slide cuts off the content toward the bottom. Can I "stretch" the slide somehow so that writing is visible?
Michael -- DePaul Univ.
Hi Heather,
Do you have any updates on this feature? It would be very helpful to allow this type of navigation in the creation of the templates for our students.
I deleted a section by mistaken I need to add it back how can I achieve this
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