New Digication ePortfolios allow you to record and embed an audio file directly from your web browser with any microphone you have connected to your computer.
Please note: This feature is currently unavailable while using the Safari web browser. If you would like to use Record Audio for your ePortfolio, we recommend using either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browser.
First, select the Add Content button (1) in the lower right corner of your selected section.
On the next screen, locate and select the Record Audio button (2).
If this is your first time recording audio from an ePortfolio, you will see a prompt in the upper left corner of your web browser to block or allow access to your microphone (3). Select 'Allow' to grant your ePortfolio access to your microphone.
When you are ready to start recording, click the blue Record button (4) at the bottom of the screen.
During recording, you will see visual queues to let you know audio is being recorded as well as options to mute and stop the recording.
- The Mute toggle (5) in the upper right corner of the window window will allow you to turn your microphone off or on from the recording window.
- The Audio detection icon (6) in the upper right will pulse to show you when audio is detected during recording.
- When you are finished recording, press Stop (7) to finalize the file.
Next, you will be able to manage your recordings before uploading the files to your ePortfolio.
If you would like to remove a recording, you can do so individually by selecting the 'x' next to the unwanted recording or select Deselect All (8) to remove all your recordings. Please note, 'Remove All' will only delete recordings that have not been uploaded to your ePortfolio. Previously uploaded recordings will remain intact.
A single media module can support multiple recorded files, if you would like to add additional recordings, you can select Upload More (9) to create another recording.
When you have all your files ready for the module, select Upload (10) to save the files to your ePortfolio.
You will then transition back to your ePortfolio and see a message on your module that your recording is being processed.
Depending on your Notification Settings, you will receive a Digication Notification when processing is finished, and you will be able to play the audio from the module.
Please note: Due to the inability to activate the microphone independently of the camera on a mobile device, the Record Audio feature is unavailable in the mobile interface.
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