Customizing the background color or image of modules and sections can bring more depth to your ePortfolio design. The tools for customizing the module and section background are found in the Settings for the section or module you have selected.
Customizing module background
If you would like to add a background image to a module: select the module you would like to customize and then select the Settings Button (1).
In the module settings, scroll down to find the menus for editing Background Color, and Background Image. To choose a new background color, click the color swatch (2) to open the color-picker. Background color opacity can be adjusted with the Opacity controls (3).
Click the opacity number and then drag the slider to lower or raise the opacity of your background color.
To add a background image to the module, click Select Image (4).
When you click "Select Image," you will be taken to your library, where you can either use a Previously Uploaded (5) file or Upload a File (6).
After you have added your image, you can change its settings to meet your style.
Customizing Section Background
If you would like to add a background image to a section: select your section and click the Section Settings button (1). You can then either adjust the background of the Top Layer (2) or Bottom Layer (3) of the section.
Here is the photo added to the Bottom Layer Background of the section:
And here is the photo added to the Top Layer Background, with a dark-green color applied to the Bottom Layer Background:
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