The ability to place hyperlinks in Rich Text modules adds a new layer of content by allowing you to link to websites outside of your ePortfolio, as well as pages within the ePortfolio.
Creating a New Hyperlink
To create a hyperlink, select your Rich Text module and click the Edit button (1).
Next, type in new text or select an existing portion you wish to turn into a hyperlink (2) and click the Hyperlink button (3) from the Text Format toolbar. You will then see a window to enter the link you wish to turn into a hyperlink.
Please note: A URL or email address will automatically become a hyperlink when typed into the Rich Text module. When creating a custom hyperlink using the directions below, you will need to add the mailto: tag before the email address. Example:
Type or paste in the web address or email address (with "mailto:" tag) you wish to link to and press Enter on your keyboard or the check mark directly to the right of the link (4) to finalize the hyperlink. Using the toggle, you can set the link to Open in New Window (5). If you are linking to a page within the ePortfolio, it is recommended that you set the toggle to the off position.
Below is an example of a completed Hyperlink in a Rich Text module.
To test out your link, publish your page and preview your ePortfolio in Published mode. By default, all hyperlinks will open in the same browser tab as the ePortfolio. The link can also be accessed in Edit Mode by first clicking the Edit button for the module (6), and then clicking the link itself. A tooltip will appear containing a clickable version of the link (7).
Editing or Unlinking an Existing Hyperlink
If you would like to change the web address of an existing hyperlink, select the linked text in edit mode(1) and then click the Hyperlink button on the Text Format toolbar(2).
You will then be able to edit the web address for the hyperlink(3) or select the unlink button to remove the hyperlink from the text selection (4).
Stylizing Your Hyperlink
The default style of a hyperlink changes the text to a blue color and will underline the text when your cursor is placed on the link. The style menu will allow you to change the color of the hyperlink and make the underline persistent. All text within a Rich Text module, including hyperlinks, will share the same font type and size.
To style your hyperlink, select your Rich Text module and click the Style button(1).
Next, scroll down on the Style menu and expand the Advanced Customization section, and then the Link section. If you would like your links to have a separate typeface or font-size from the rest of the module text, you can select it here (2). Use the color picker under Link Colors to select a default font color or hover color, or enter in a custom color by hex color code (3). You can also toggle the Underline Links option to make all hyperlinks within the Rich Text module have a persistent underline (4).
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