Submitting your ePortfolio to an Assignment

While ePortfolios can be shared using a wide variety of permission settings, there is also a formal way to officially submit them towards an assignment. Submission creates a permanent record with a timestamped version of the ePortfolio. These permanent records are particularly useful for performing evidence-based assessment at the program or institution level.

Submitting Assignments from within your ePortfolio

While viewing your ePortfolio in Edit Mode, access the ePortfolio menu (1) and select Submit to Assignment (2).

An eportfolio, with numerical guides marking the following: 1, assignment actions; 2, submit to assignment

The Submit ePortfolio overlay will list your available assignments. Assignments with a due date will list the date, while assignments without a due date will show No due date. Select the assignment you wish to submit (3).

The choose assignment page, with a numerical guide, 3, marking an assignment

Please note: Assignments will only be listed if they are active and accepting submissions.

The next step will allow you to choose which pages you would like to submit to your assignment. Selecting All Pages (4) will select all the pages of your ePortfolio for submission, including any Private or Draft pages.

If a page is Published, you will have the option to select the Draft version or the Published version (5) for submission. The system defaults to selecting the Draft version.

The submit ePortfolio page, with numerical guides marking the following: 4, all pages; 5, draft and published version options, with draft selected by default

You also have the flexibility to submit single pages to your assignment (6) instead of your entire ePortfolio. You can select any pages to submit, including Private or Draft pages. You are not required to publish Draft pages before submitting them.

Once you’ve selected the pages you want to submit, click the blue Submit button (7).

The submit eportfolio page, with numerical guides marking the following: 6, a single eportfolio page marked for submission; 7, submit

After selecting either option, you will arrive at the submission page. Depending on the size of the submission, you may receive the following notification:

Our system is processing your request. This may take a little while. You can close this window, the submission process will continue in the background.

At the top of the submission page (1), a timestamp of the submission is provided, as well as information about the assignment, including start and due date. The Submission Progress section (2) displays the progress of your submission on a page-by-page basis.

The submission page, with numerical guides marking the following: 1, a timestamp of submission, along with information about the assignment; 2, submission progress

Depending on your Notification Settings, you will receive a Digication Notification when your submission has finished processing.

A Digication notification

Each of the pages in the Submission Progress section will be marked Done. Click View Submission (4) to view the archived version of your ePortfolio which will be visible to your instructor. If you have made a mistake in your submission, you can click “Need to make a change to your assignment?” (3) to be taken to our Assignment Submission Troubleshooting article. If you do not need to make a change to your assignment, no further action is required.

The submission page at submission completion, with numerical guides marking the following: 3, the 'need to make a change to your assignment' link; 4, view submission

Submitting Assignments from within a Course

You can submit your ePortfolio to an assignment by accessing the assignment within your course. To do so, first access your course and then click the Assignments tab (1).

The course home page, with a numerical guide, 1, marking the assignments tab

A list of your assignments will be visible. Click on the Assignment Step to which you would like to submit – in this example it is Step 1: My bio (2).

The course assignments page, with a numerical guide, 2, marking a specific assignment step, 'step 1: create a character evidence'

You will submit your work in the Adding Evidence area. You can choose to upload a file or files (3), submit from an ePortfolio or ePortfolios (4), or submit a rich text response (5). Click ePortfolio to see a list of your ePortfolios, then click the dropdown arrow (6) for the ePortfolio you wish to submit and select the page or pages you would like to submit using the gray checkboxes (7). Please note that you can select pages from more than one ePortfolio.

Once you have added the evidence, click Save (8).

The assignment 'adding evidence' area, with numerical guides marking the following: 3, upload a file or files; 4, submit from an eportfolio or eportfolios; 5, submit a rich text response; 6, dropdown arrow for the eportfolio you wish to submit; 7, gray checkboxes indicating the eportfolio pages to submit; 8, save

Deleting a Submission

In some cases, it may be possible to delete your ePortfolio submission and then submit a newer version. If you mistakenly submit the ePortfolio before you are ready, this will allow you to fix your mistake. Please note that the ability to make changes after submitting depends on the course setup, and many courses will not allow you to do this.

To delete your ePortfolio submission, first login to the course and click on the Assignments tab (9). In the Assignments tab of the course, click on the evidence step that contains your submission (10).

A course home page, with numerical guides marking the following: 9, assignments tab; 10, an evidence step containing a submission to be deleted

Underneath Evidence Added, you will see your submission(s). Click Delete next to the submission you wish to delete (11).

An 'evidence added' section, with a numerical guide, 11, marking 'delete'

A window will pop up that requires action to confirm the deletion.When you click OK (12), the submission will be removed, and you can submit again when you are ready by following the steps above.

The deletion confirmation window, with a numerical guide, 12, marking the OK button

Again, the ability to delete submissions may not be available if your instructor has not enabled it as an option. If you submit your ePortfolio in error and are unable to delete it, please reach out to your instructor, or email us at

Click here for more information regarding assignment creation, assignment submissions and assessment from a faculty member or administrator perspective.

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