Advanced features: integration with Blackboard Learn

Version: Kora Courses, October 4, 2023 or later

Permissions required: Faculty

There are several advanced features and troubleshooting options available in the Blackboard Learn integration.

Create direct links to specific Digication assignments 

In your Blackboard Learn course, you can provide students with direct links to specific Digication assignments. These links can be added in the Content area.

Adding direct links allows students to go directly to a Digication assignment.


  • This is an optional feature. Even if you don’t provide direct links to specific Digication assignments, you can still grade the assignments in Digication and automatically send the grades back to Blackboard Learn. 

Adding direct links in the Content area

First, create your assignments in Digication. You can create direct links to multiple assignments in one simple step. 

  • Once your assignments are created, select “Content” (1) from your course navigation. 

  • Then, select “Build Content” (2) and select “Digication Assignment Link” (3).

  • You’ll see a list of all the assignments that are in your Digication course. Select the checkbox next to the assignment(s) (4) and click “SELECT” (5), or click “Select All” (6) to create direct links for all of your Digication assignments.

  • Once the assignment links are added, you’ll see a success message (7)

  • You can close that browser tab/window and refresh the course to see the Digication links (8) that were added to the Content area.


View Blackboard Learn connection status

You can check the status of the Blackboard Learn connection to Digication in several places:

  1. From the Grade (1), click “View Blackboard Learn connection” (2).

  • The Blackboard Learn connection window will show the “Connection Status” (3) and “Grade Sync” (4) status. From this screen, you can disconnect (5) the LMS integration, and enable/disable grade sync (6)


    (1) in your course or Digication dashboard, click the hamburger menu (2) and select “VIEW BLACKBOARD LEARN CONNECTION” (3)

  • The Blackboard Learn connection window will show the “Connection Status” (4) and “Grade Sync” (5) status. From this screen, you can disconnect (6) the LMS integration, and enable/disable grade sync (7)


Edit title and maximum grade points of connected Digication assignments 

When a Digication assignment is connected to Blackboard Learn through the gradebook, or as direct links in assignments or modules, the title and the maximum grade points of the Digication assignment are sent to  Blackboard Learn.

Subsequently, if either field is edited in Blackboard Learn or Digication, the title or the maximum grade points will no longer be the same across the two platforms.

  • If there is a mismatch in title or maximum grade points in one of your connected Digication assignments, you will see a red dot (1) in the hamburger menu for that assignment.

  • Click the hamburger menu (2) and select “VIEW BLACKBOARD LEARN CONNECTION” (3).

  • The connection screen will show that there is a mismatch (4) between the Blackboard Learn gradebook column and the Digication assignment. Click “UPDATE” (5) to sync the changes to Blackboard Learn.



  • This connection screen will also indicate if there is a mismatch because of changes made in the Blackboard Learn gradebook, but this update is only a one-way sync (from Digication to Blackboard Learn).

Any other changes to your connected Digication assignment will need to be manually updated in Blackboard Learn. This includes grade release settings.

View grade sync history

If the assignment you are grading has the Blackboard Learn grade sync enabled, your grade should automatically be sent to Blackboard Learn after you save the grade. This may take a few seconds after you save the grade. 

  • You can confirm that the grade was sent to Blackboard Learn and view the grade sync history by clicking the HISTORY (1) link.

  • If the grade sync fails to send for any reason, you’ll see a red icon (2) that displays the error “Grade failed to send to Blackboard Learn” (3) in the grading area.

  • Click “RETRY” (4) to try to send the grade to Blackboard Learn again.

  • You’ll also see an error if you click on “HISTORY” (5). You can retry sending the grade by clicking “Retry send grade to Blackboard Learn” (6) next to the error message “Grade failed to send to Blackboard Learn” (7).


Blackboard Learn student preview

Student Preview is not supported in Digication’s Blackboard Learn integration. If you access the Digication link while in Student Preview, you will always receive an error message. This does not indicate that anything is wrong with your course connection.

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