Creating Users Using the Simple Upload CSV

This is the quickest and easiest way to create user accounts in small to medium sized batches (999 lines is the limit) via import.

Generate Simple Upload CSV

Using any standard spreadsheet editing software, you're going to create a CSV with 9 columns that correspond to the fields necessary for registering users into courses. This is the only import in which the headers used as guidelines do not have to be removed before uploading. Here's a template to get you started.

Description of fields/columns

The simple upload CSV is different from the standard user import CSV in that it has fewer columns and uses a basic "yes" or "no" logic for two of its fields instead of numbers. Below are descriptions of each column in the CSV:

A. AccountID - Exactly the same thing as the SyncID in the standard user import CSV. This makes it possible for users to be batch-enrolled in courses. 
B. FirstName 
C. LastName 
D. Username - Note that this does not have to be an email address. Please adhere to the Username and AccountID format your school has chosen.
E. Email 
F. Password 
G. IsFaculty - Either “yes” or “no.” “No” means the user will be created as a student. 
H. HaveCOPPA - Must be “yes” to create the account. Affirms that the student is over 13 or has a COPPA form on file with the school. 
I. Birthdate - Can be left blank.

Export your file as a CSV

The Simple Upload can be completed using either the new administration area, or the classic administration area.

Simple Upload in the New Administration Area

System level administrators can access the New Administrator tools by logging in and appending "/administration" at the end of their Digication institution URL, for example:

On the Administration home page, select Import (1) from the left-side menu.


Select Upload from the expanded Imports menu.


From the Simple Upload tab (2). Click the Select a file button (3) to locate your CSV on your computer. Click the Upload button (4) when you are ready to start the process.


After you upload your CSV, you will be taken to your Logs for technical details about the upload and its progress. Each uploaded file will be represented by its own row in the Logs.  If your upload was successful, the Message column (5) will read “Creating New User.”  If there is an issue with one or more of your rows which prevents a user from being created, it will be specified here.


Simple Upload in the Classic Administration Area

Go to the Administrator tab

Click on "Import" in the sub-menu

Click on "Upload Simple"

Find and upload your CSV

View Results

If any errors are to occur, you will be notified here. Errors will only occur if there is already a user in the system with the same SyncID already. In that case, you'll want to verify that both accounts are for separate individuals before proceeding.

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