Creating and/or Updating Courses in Batches Using the Standard CSV Import

The standard course import CSV can be used to:

  1. Create new courses
  2. Update course information
  3. Delete courses

Generate a Course Import CSV

Using any standard spreadsheet editing software, you're going to create a CSV with 16 columns that correspond to the fields necessary for uploading courses in batches. Here's a template to get you started.

Description of fields/columns

The course creation CSV is similar to the standard user creation/update CSV in that it uses the “1” is “yes” “0” is "no" logic for some of the fields. Below are descriptions of each field according to its corresponding column in any application that allows you to edit spreadsheets:

A. SyncID - Required. Arguably the most important field, this number should be completely unique for each section, semester, and year so that enrollment using the registration CSV runs smoothly. 
B. Course Type - Required. Specify “COURSE", "COMMUNITY", or "ASSESSMENT" 
C. Title - Required. Title of the course. 
D. Course Number - Required. Number of the course from your institution’s registration data. 
E. Description - Not required. Will appear on the Course Settings page. 
F. Active - Required. Must be “1” meaning the course is active. 
G. Start Date - Required. Course Start Date. Format: xx/xx/xxx
H. End Date - Required. Course End Date. Format: xx/xx/xxxx
I. Gradebook - Required. “1” enables grade book for the course “0” disables the feature. 
J. Attendance - Required. “1” enables the attendance feature for the course “0” disables the feature. 
K. Update - Required. If the course is already created “1” updates whatever information has been changed using the course SyncID. 
L. Delete - Required. Use “0” when creating a course. “1” deletes an already created course. 
M. Discussion - Required. “1” enables the Discussions tab for the course “0” disables the feature. 
N. e-Portfolios - Required. “1” enables the e-Portfolios tab for the course “0” disables the feature. 
O. Assignments - Required. “1” enables the Assignments tab for the course “0” disables the feature. 
P. Standards - Required. “1” enables the Standards tab for the course “0” disables the feature. 
Q. Section Number - Not required. Section number from your institution’s registration data. 
R. Department Code - Not required. Department code from your institution's registration data..

Preparing the CSV for Export

Once all of the relevant data has been put into the file in the correct format, be sure to remove any of the guides that were being used so that the first cell (A1) has [course] in it, immediately followed by the data being uploaded as shown in the image above.

The Course Import can be completed using either the new administration area, or the classic administration area.

Course Import in the New Administration Area

System level administrators can access the New Administrator tools by logging in and appending "/administration" at the end of their Digication institution URL, for example:

On the Administration home page, select Import (1) from the left-side menu.


Select Upload from the expanded Imports menu.


Select the Advanced Upload tab (2). Click the Select a file button (3) to locate your CSV on your computer and select the check box for Use Debug Mode (4) to generate a system log for this upload. Select Data (5) and then click the Upload button (6) when you are ready to start the process.


After you upload your CSV, you will be taken to your Logs for technical details about the upload and its progress. Each uploaded file will be represented by its own row in the Logs.  The Status column (7), will likely show as “Processing” immediately after you upload.  You may need to refresh the page a few times until the status shows as “Complete.”  You can view the Successful Entries and Error Entries (8) to determine if your import has been successful.


Course Import in the Classic Administration Area

Go to the Administration tab

Once your CSV is correctly formatted and ready to go, you'll want to head over to the "Administration" tab to upload it.

Click on Import

Select "Upload"

Check off "Debug" before selecting and uploading your CSV

The "Logs" Page

After a standard CSV, you'll be brought to the "Logs" page where you'll be able to see how many imports have been attempted and how many entries within those imports have been successful.

Refresh to view your results

After refreshing, you'll be able to view the results of your import once it's complete and then adjust or re-upload accordingly. Keep in mind that for large data imports, you'll have to wait a few moments before this information becomes available.

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