Viewing Student ePortfolio Assignment Submissions and Details

Viewing Student ePortfolio Assignment Submissions

To view student assignment submissions, first access your course and then click the Assignments tab (1).


In the Assignments tab you can see all assignments related to a course in a grid. If a student has submitted their evidence to the assignment and it has not yet been assessed by faculty, the cell will be orange and will contain an F, which means Waiting for Faculty.  Click the cell (2) to view the student’s submission and submit your assessment.


Click on View ePortfolio (3) in the pop-up window for the assignment.


Clicking on this will open up the archived ePortfolio submission for the assignment within a new tab or window of your browser depending on your personal settings.

Viewing Assignment Details Related to a Student

To view a specific student’s details relating to a particular assignment, navigate to the Assignments tab and then click on the name of the assignment at the top of the grid.


Next, select the name of the particular student for whom you would like to view details (2).


You will arrive at the following page where you can see the details relating to an assignment related to a specific student. At the top of the page, the student's name and assignment information will be listed.


Below, the workflow for an assignment will be displayed showing you which items have been completed, locked, or open. Each block, or step, in the workflow will have information regarding the title of the step, a description of the step, who can view the step, when the step will become locked, and any associated rubrics (3). If the block, or step, has already been scored using a rubric, the score will display as well (4). Clicking the View Rubric link (5) will display the rubric used for scoring.


Assignment Notifications

You can also view assignment submissions through Digication Notifications. You will receive a notification when a student submits work to an assignment, and students will be notified when you assess or provide feedback on the submitted work.  From the notification, you can click the assignment name (1) to be taken to the assignment, or the submission name to go directly to the submission (2).


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