Gradebook Feature Release - 07/30/2024

Dear Digication Community, 

In keeping with our commitment to providing a two-week notice in advance of any changes to our user interface, we wanted to let you know about the release of the upcoming new feature Gradebook that will occur during the week of August 12, 2024. 

How does this new release benefit users?

With our Gradebook feature, faculty members will be able to review student performance in a centralized place. The Gradebook will have a Grid interface that offers an overview of all assignments & activities for a course and displays the status of assignments for each student.

The Grid interface will provide a convenient space for faculty members to review the status of all assignments at once. Instead of  opening each assignment individually, faculty members will be able to quickly assess the status of each assignment. They can easily identify which students have not submitted their work, which assignments are still ungraded, and which areas need immediate attention.

With our initial launch, Gradebook will provide added functionality for grading assignments. We will provide additional options to manage outcome information very soon.

The new Gradebook features the following functionalities:

  • Faculty members will be able to filter the assignments listed in the Gradebook by selecting only the preferred assignments.
  • There will be a display setting to show/hide grades or non-gradable assignments.
  • Ability to access the assignment edit page directly from the Gradebook and change any settings for your preferred assignment.
  • Ability to send batch messages to students, targeting those who have submitted their assignments, those who have not, or both.
  • Faculty members can enter new grades or update existing grades directly within the Gradebook. For courses connected with the LMS, grades are sent automatically to the LMS.
  • Faculty can also view the history of grade changes for each assignment.
  • Gradebook will highlight assignments with grades below the passing score making them easy to identify and facilitating faculty engagement with struggling learners.
  • Faculty can easily access relevant student submissions for any assignments. 
  • (Coming soon) Faculty will be able to see outcome assessment information for each student and each assignment.

Kind Regards,
Your Friends at Digication

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