Form Modules

Form modules allow you to create customizable forms with questions and prompts with responses available as dropdown menus, rich text areas, multiple choice selections, checkboxes, or tags that template adopters can complete and publish to display in their ePortfolio. Checkbox and tag options allow multiple selections, where multiple choice and dropdown allow a single selection. Rich text areas are intended for short-answer responses.


Please note: These forms are for response and display purposes in the ePortfolio. Form modules are interactive for editors only, not for viewers. If you want to collect and export feedback or data from a form completed by ePortfolio viewers, we recommend using Google Forms to collect the information.

Adding Form Modules to Your ePortfolio

You can begin to add a Form module to your ePortfolio by either clicking Add Content (1) on your section or the Content button (2)
in the lower right corner of your screen to access your Library.

Next, select the Form filter (3) to display the different forms you can add: Rich Text forms (A), Checkbox forms (B), Multiple Choice forms (C), Dropdown forms (D), and Tag forms (E).

(A) Rich Text Forms

Rich text forms give the user the ability to leave a short-answer response to a provided prompt. The form behaves like a regular Rich Text module. If you type your prompt at the top of the form, users will be able to type their response below it by first clicking the Edit button (1).


(B) Checkbox Forms
Checkbox forms give the user the ability to select options predetermined by you (1) or you can allow them to add their own by clicking "Add Other" (2). Checkboxes on your form can be customized by opening the List style menu (3) and selecting a new style for the selector next to your form option.


The screenshot below shows a prepared Checkbox form in Edit mode.

(C) Multiple Choice Forms
Multiple Choice forms require you to supply a set amount of options for the user to select from. You can add as many options to the form as you would like but the user will only be able to select one of those options from the list.


The screenshot below shows a prepared Multiple Choice form with a Radio Button List Style selected.

(D) Dropdown Forms
Dropdown forms are similar to Multiple Choice forms in that the list of options needs to be added by the form creator multi-choice Add Option tool.

A user can only select one option from the list when they complete the form. The major difference in this form type vs. other forms is that the list of options you provide is displayed in a collapsible dropdown menu instead of a persistently displayed list of options.

The screenshot below shows a Dropdown form with options to the right of the title, one of the display options provided in form settings.

(E) Tag Forms
Tag forms allow the form creator or the user to supply a free-flowing list of options related to their form question. Tag forms can display large quantities of options that either you or the user provide. You can give the user the ability to add their own option by selecting "Add Other".


The screenshot below shows that a limit of the number of selectable options may be limited. Form creators may also choose if they would like unselected options to display or only selected options.

The screenshot below shows how the results of the completed form will display if the form creator chose only selected options to display in a tag style form.



General Form Settings

Many customizations are available to choose from for your form settings and to style your form options and display.
List Style

Opening the List style allows you to customize the selection style on your Form or change how the options on your form is displayed.

Hide unselected options from viewers
Forms that continually display a list of options can have the "Hide unselected options from viewers" options applied to hide all options the user did not select when the module is not being edited by the user (including the Published view).


In the screenshot below, you will see the display of two options which were selected in a checkbox checkmark style form. The unselected options are hidden.

In the screenshot below, you will see the display of two options which were selected in a checkbox checkmark style form. The selected options are visible.


Title Visibility

While customizing your form, you can also hide the title of the Form when the module is not being edited by the user (including the Published view).

Title Visible

Title Hidden

Show options to the right of the title

While customizing your form, you can apply "Show options to the right of the title" to display your form options on the right side of the module title.

Max number of selections
For forms, that allow for multiple selections, you can limit the amount of selections by the user by turning on this option.

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