New Digication Development Update - April 20th, 2018

Dear Community,

We hope you have been enjoying your Spring semester! Our development team has been hard at work resolving bugs and completing an upgrade to the Rich Text module that we know you will enjoy.

Persistent Text Toolbar
With the current version of the Rich Text module, the text toolbar will only appear when text is highlighted. We are going to be changing this so that as long as you are editing a Rich Text module, the toolbar will be visible at the top of the module.

Mathematical Equation Support
We are excited to bring another highly-requested feature from Classic ePortfolios to the New Digication. While editing a Rich Text module, you will be able to click the Equation button in the text toolbar that will allow you to enter formula characters from mathematical equations.

Digication will make the Rich Text module upgrades available Friday, May 4th 2018.

Additional Bug Fixes and Improvements
Listed below are the bugs that have been resolved and other improvements made by our developers for New Digication ePortfolios.

  • Choosing to create a new Classic or New Digication will create the proper type of ePortfolio
  • Clicking module sorting buttons no longer closes the Library
  • The Embed module can be added as the first content in a slide
  • Content added with the Embed module can be edited again
  • PDFs will no longer unexpectedly resize
  • An issue with Prezi embeds not working has been resolved
  • An issue with Clickable images not opening has been resolved
  • The auto-resize button for PDFs is now working correctly
  • A user's last name is now included in Template Notification emails

If you have any questions regarding these updates please reach out to

Kind regards,
Your friends at Digication

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