Digication Development Update 11/11/18

Dear Digication Community,

We are pleased to let you know about an upcoming improvement involving linked files, as well as a few general updates and bug fixes.

Linked Files Update

Currently, it is possible to display files as links in an ePortfolio, both through the gallery module, and the rich-text module.  Starting November 23, users who click a linked file will be able to choose between downloading the file, or opening it in a new window.  When the linked file is clicked, users will see the following window:


Bug Fixes / General Updates

  • We have fixed an issue that slowed down the ePortfolio creation process when multiple users created ePortfolios simultaneously.

  • We have fixed an issue that was temporarily preventing users from using the Apply Styles with existing slides.

  • We have fixed an error that was preventing reCAPTCHA from displaying properly

If you have questions or feedback, as always, we encourage you to reach out to our team at support@digication.com.

Kind Regards,

Your Friends at Digication



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