Digication System Maintenance: Friday, May 17 from 2PM to 7PM (Eastern)

Dear Digication Community,

Our video upload feature is currently undergoing an urgent system maintenance which may prevent any uploaded videos from being processed. This maintenance period began at 2PM EDT, and will continue until 7PM EDT. We apologize for the late notice.

All videos uploaded during this time will be added to a queue in order to be processed at the end of the maintenance window, however, there is no guarantee that they will be successfully processed. We recommend waiting until the end of the maintenance window to upload any videos.

Typically, Digication provides a minimum of 2 weeks notice for all maintenance windows. Unfortunately, due to the urgent nature of this particular upgrade, we are not able to provide the same advance notice that you can usually expect from Digication..

Please do not hesitate to contact support@digication.com if you have any questions or concerns.

Your Friends at Digication

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