Assignments Overview

The ability to create workflow-based assignments is a major part of Digication’s Assessment Management System (AMS).  From the “Assignments” tab within a course, assignments can be created, edited, imported and reports can be generated from assignments as well.


In the Assignments tab you can see all assignments related to a course in a grid. The name of each assignment will be listed at the top (1). All the students added to the course will be listed on the left (2). The grid will display the status of each assignment for each student (not started, pending, completed, etc.).  You can add an assignment by clicking the Add Assignment button (3).


Click a cell in the grid to view the assignment workflow for a specific student (4).  To view the assignment details, the description and workflow, click the Edit icon for the assignment (5)


Assignment List View

In addition to the Assignments tab, users can view all assignments for a course through the Assignment List View.  To access it, select “List” from the left-side menu on the main “Notifications” tab of the course.


To view the assignment details, the description and workflow, simply click on the title of the assignment (1). You can edit the assignment steps by clicking the Edit button (2). To delete an assignment, click the Delete this Assignment link (3).


Please see the following resources for further information regarding assignment creation and assessment:

Creating New Assignments

Viewing Student ePortfolio Assignment Submissions

Using Teacher Rubrics and Standard Rubrics to Score Student Work within a Course

Creating and Using Rubrics for Assignments


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