After you submit your ePortfolio or other evidence to an assignment, your professor or faculty member may use an Assessment Step to assess and provide feedback using rubrics or standards . As a student, you can use the Assignments tab to access and view the feedback that your professor has provided. To do so, access your course and click the Assignments tab (1).
On the Assignments page, you will see a list of all of your course assignments. Each assignment has the associated steps listed underneath.
The boxes next to each step give additional information about the assignment step
Blue S = Waiting for student
Yellow C= Complete
Green P= Passed
Orange F = Waiting for faculty
Blank box = the step is not yet available
If your instructor has completed a rubric for your assignment, you can click the info link (2) to view the scores and read any comments.
You will arrive at the Assignment Workflow. Find the Assessment step, and click the link that reads View Full Rubric.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the completed rubric. The score column (4) shows the points you received from your instructor, as well as any comments they may have added.
Assignment Notifications
Depending on your Notification Settings, you will receive a notification when your instructor provides feedback on your submitted evidence. Clicking on the rubric will direct you to the rubric used to assess your submission.
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