Connect Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides

Version: Kora Courses, December 1, 2023 or later
Permissions required: Student

Digication strives to make it as easy as possible to upload content to your ePortfolio.  

In addition to our easy-to-use Upload File tool, we also allow you to connect your Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides to your ePortfolio.

  • To begin, click “Add Content” (1).


Connect Google docs

  • Select the “GOOGLE DOCS URL” (1) either from “MORE WAYS TO ADD CONTENT” (2) or the “Embed” (3) option.


  • Before connecting your Google Docs, you will receive a notification that asks you to embed them. Go to Google Doc > File > Share > Publish to web, click "Publish," and ensure "Automatically republish when changes are made" is selected.
  • Next, copy the link text and paste it in the “Submit your link” area (4).
  • Click the “Preview Embed Content” (5) icon to preview the connected Google Doc.
  • Click “EMBED” (6).

  • Your Google doc will appear on your ePortfolio page (7), where it can be edited (8), configured module settings (9) moved (10), deleted (11), and resized (12).


Connect Google sheets

  • Select the “Embed” (1) option.


  • Select “GOOGLE SHEETS URL” (2).

  • To connect and manage your Google Sheets follow the same steps mentioned under “Connect Google Docs”.

Connect Google slides

  • Select the “Embed” (1) option.


  • Select “GOOGLE SLIDES URL” (2).


  • To connect and manage your Google Slides follow the same steps mentioned under “Connect Google Docs”.

If you wish to connect multiple Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides repeat the same steps under each section.

Please see the following article for instructions on Uploading Files to Your ePortfolio.

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