Dashboard Overview

As the first stop when logging into the system, the Dashboard is an integral part of the Digication experience:

  • Navigation Menu
  • My ePortfolios
  • Courses/Communities/Assessment Groups

Navigation Menu

The navigation menu is located on the left side of the page.


The following options are included in the navigation menu:

  1. User Profile
  2. Notifications
  3. Home
  4. People
  5. Courses
  6. ePortfolios
  7. Subscriptions 
  8. Help 
  9. Logout

My ePortfolios

At the top of your dashboard, you will find the My ePortfolios section, displaying the six most recently updated ePortfolios to which you have access.  Click the filter button (1) to change which ePortfolios you see in the list. To create a new ePortfolio, click the blue Create button (2).  The Show more button (3) will reveal an additional fifteen ePortfolios.

For further information on creating an ePortfolio in Digication Kora, please see the following article: Quick Start Guide for Creating an ePortfolio


Hovering over the User icon (4) will display the name of the ePortfolio owner and those with admin access to the ePortfolio.


Filtering "My ePortfolios"

After clicking the filter icon at the top right of the section (1), a dropdown will appear with options to filter by Type (2), Permission (3), and Course (4).



  • Created by me - Shows only the ePortfolios created by the user.
  • Shared with me - Shows only the ePortfolios that have been shared directly (not through courses) with the user.
  • My Subscriptions - Shows only the ePortfolios to which the user has subscribed.


  • Admin - Shows ePortfolios that the user has administrative access to.
  • Editor - Shows ePortfolios that the user has editing access to.
  • Publisher - Shows ePortfolios that the user has publishing access to.
  • Viewer - Shows the ePortfolios the user has been given viewing access to.

Once filters are selected, they are automatically saved so that when a user returns to their dashboard, they always have the same ePortfolios listed.

Courses/Communities/Assessment Groups

Below My ePortfolios, you will find your Courses, Assessment Groups, and Communities.  You can filter by type by using the toggles at the top of the window (1). Six Courses, etc., are displayed by default; however, if you have access to more than six, they can be accessed by clicking the Show more button (2).   Faculty Members will have the option to create a new Course, Assessment Group, or Community by clicking the blue Create button (3).   See the following article for further assistance with doing so:  Creating a Course


The dropdown menu (4) will allow you to choose between displaying Current, Archived, and Future Courses, Communities, and Assessment Groups.  These categories are determined by the dates that the Course, Community, or Assessment Group is available.


Hovering over the User icons in the Course thumbnail (5) will display the names of the users with faculty roles.


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