Digication Development Update - 2/21/20

Dear Digication Community,

In keeping with our commitment to providing a two-week notice in advance of any changes to our user interface, we have a few updates to share with you today:

  • My ePortfolios filter
  • ePortfolio Search
  • User Profile > Hide me from searches in Digication

My ePortfolios Filter

The My ePortfolios section of your Dashboard contains all ePortfolios you are associated with, including ePortfolios you have created, those you are subscribed to, and those where you have been granted Viewer access.  The filtering options allow you to select which of these categories to display at any given time. Currently, the default filtering options are set to display all ePortfolios, including those where you’ve been specifically given Viewer permission.  This creates an issue for certain users, particularly faculty who have a large number of students who have granted them Viewer access, as it results in an overly long list of ePortfolios.

Beginning on March 9, 2020, we are updating the filtering options in the My ePortfolios section so that Viewer is no longer selected by default. This change will only be in effect for newly created users.  Filter settings are automatically saved when updated, so users who wish to change this new default setting will only have to do so once.


ePortfolio Search

To further assist users who have a large number of ePortfolios listed under My ePortfolios, we are adding a search function to this section of the dashboard.  This change will go into effect on March 9, 2020.


The ePortfolio search field will allow users to search their ePortfolios, respecting any filters applied, by:

  • ePortfolio title
  • ePortfolio owner
  • Course/Community/Assessment Group(s) the ePortfolio is shared with

User Profile > Hide me from searches in Digication

Currently, users can select Hide me from searches in Digication, through the User Profile.  This allows users with privacy concerns to ensure that their fellow students will not find them in the user directory, nor through the ePortfolio permissions area.  This can occasionally have a negative impact on students, however, as it prevents their instructors from searching for them. Beginning on March 9, 2020, we are changing the function of this option to apply only to students, thus granting faculty the ability to search for students who have selected Hide me from searches in Digication.

When this change is made, the language will be updated on the User Profile page to reflect the new policy:


If you have any questions regarding these changes, we encourage you to reach out to our team at support@digication.com.

Kind Regards,

Your Friends at Digication

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