LMS Integration for Kora (LTI 1.3) - Canvas Setup for Admins

Version: Kora Courses, November 10, 2023 or later

Permissions required: Administrator

Our Integrations team can assist you with adding the Digication LTI for Kora integration to your LMS. Read more about "LMS Integration for Kora - Setup for Admins".

Digication will provide the unique LTI application information needed to create your Digication integration in your LMS. If you need to obtain this information, contact Digication Support at support@digication.com

Once you have the LTI application information, follow the steps below to configure the integration in your Canvas environment.

Step 1: Create a Developer Key

  • On the Canvas Dashboard, select Admin (1) from the side navigation menu, and then click the name of your institution’s Canvas account (2).

  • Select Developer Keys (3) from the left navigation menu, then Choose “+ Developer Key” (4).



  • Select “+LTI Key” (5)


On the Key Settings page, select the “Paste JSON method.” You will need to complete the following fields. 

This will add the following LTI link placements to use Digication directly in a course: Course Navigation, Assignment Selection, Course Assignments Menu, and Link Selection.

If you want a link to Digication that is outside of the course context, you can also add Global Navigation. This will add a Digication link on the main navigation in Canvas. You can add this code under the “placements” section to add a global navigation link:

                        "placement": "global_navigation",

                        "message_type": "LtiResourceLinkRequest",

                        "windowTarget": "_blank"

  • Enable all options under LTI Advantage Services (6).

  • Below the placements list, make sure to expand each placement and select the correct Message Type. 
  • For Course Navigation (1), select “LtiResourceLinkRequest” (2) for Message Type. 

  • For Assignment Selection (3), Course Assignments Menu (4), and Link Selection (5), select “LtiDeepLinking Request” (6) for Message Type.
  • Save the settings. 
  • Enable the developer key by turning the state to ON (7).
  • Copy the number (8) shown under the Details column - this is your Unique Client ID. Send your client ID to support@digication.com to continue your integration configuration.
  • Digication will use your client ID to initiate the configuration in your Digication system. 


Step 2: Create the App

  • After Digication has initiated the integration configuration, return to the Canvas Admin dashboard. Select Settings (1) from the side navigation menu, and then select the Apps tab (2)
  • Click View App Configurations  (3).

  • Click “+ App” (4). Change the configuration type to “By Client ID” (5), and enter the Client ID (6) from the Developer Key creation. 
  • Click “Submit” (7) to add the app.



Step 3: Test and Confirm Field Mapping

The Digication integrations team will assist you with testing your integration and reviewing and confirming what fields will be mapped in the LTI for Kora integration. We will add and test the link placements in a Canvas course. Please have a course available for testing when you meet with Digication. 

Schedule a meeting with our integrations team to complete your LTI for Kora integration.

Integration options

We provide a number of integration options. Each option will be discussed during the setup process.

Field Title Field Description Possible Values


Option for the LTI integration to create a new Digication account for a user if they don’t have one.




Option for the LTI integration to create a Digication course that is connected to the LMS course.




Option for the LTI integration to create a Digication assignment that can be accessed via the LMS course. 




Option to import all users from the LMS course to the Digication course on the first launch.




Options for systems where a single LMS system is connected to multiple Digication instances.

To be discussed on a case by case basis

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