Faculty Overview of Digication Kora

Version: Kora Courses, April 14, 2023 or later

Permissions required: Faculty

  1. If no courses are set up for you, create one (1).

The Digication Kora Courses dashboard, with a numerical guide, 1, marking 'create course'

  1. Add students and faculty members (2).
  2. Create an assignment (3).


  1. Specify whether to customize the experience using prompts, a template, or neither (4).
    • You can provide one or more short prompts (5), such as "Create an audio/video reflection," "Use images to tell a story," or "Upload a file with your response."
    • You can customize the experience, including prompts, instructions, organizational structure, and the look and feel of the work through the use of a template (6).
    • For more information about creating assignments, please see "Create, edit, or delete assignments.


  1. Add outcomes and rubrics (7).


    1. Include system-wide outcomes, or create outcomes specific to your course (8).


    1. For more information on outcomes and rubrics, please see Outcomes, rubrics, and outcome-based assessment.

Once created, assignments appear in the dashboard for you and your students.

Students will be able to create and submit work.

For more information about students’ creation and submission of work, please see the Kora Student Guide’s “Overview of Digication Kora.”

  1. Import an assignment (1) into a new or existing course to reuse the same assignments across different sections of the same course, or across different semesters.

  1. Use the Search (2) and Advanced Search (3) options in the "Library" to find the specific assignments you want to import.

  1. Select the desired assignments (4), check their details (5), and proceed with the import (6). Choose to make them immediately available to students or to keep them in draft for further review.

  1. Review and edit the imported assignments (7), updating their details as needed.

  1. You can review the history of imported assignments (8), including details on who imported them and when.


For more information on how to import assignment(s)to a single course please see “Import assignments and for more information on how to import assignments into multiple courses, please see “Kora Course admin tool.”

  1. You can review the submitted work (9).


  1. You can send mass notifications or reminders based on submission status (10).
  1. Browse through submissions between each student (11 or 12).
    • The "Sort By" dropdown allows faculty members to select the sorting options "First Name" and "Last Name" to sort and control the display order of student submitters in the submission review UI.
    • The default sorting option is by "First Name." When a user refreshes, it always resets back to this default option.


  1. On the same screen, you can grade submissions (13), perform outcome assessment (14), and send qualitative feedback with Conversations (15).

The review page, with a numerical guide, 13, marking the grade panel  

The review page, with a numerical guide, 14, marking the outcome panel  

The review page, with a numerical guide, 15, marking a comment in the conversations panel

  1. Open the Gradebook from the course menu (1) or from the details page of any assignment (2).


  1. Use the Gradebook's grid interface to view all assignments and their statuses (3) for each student (4) in a single, centralized place.


  1. You can enter new grades (5) or update existing grades (6) directly within the Gradebook. For courses integrated with an LMS, grades can be automatically sent to the LMS (7).



  1. You can send messages to students based on their submission status directly from the Gradebook.


    1. You can select any preferred student from the student column and view each student's progress in the Gradebook individual view (9).


For more information on Gradebook, please see “Working with Gradebook”.

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