Digication Kora Courses Production Release & Resources

We are so excited to announce that the production release of Digication Kora Courses is now available for all systems! The public beta period has officially concluded on 11/03/2023. We truly appreciate all the feedback and suggestions from the community. As a result of this beta period, we have resolved a number of issues and added a few features to Digication Kora.

You now have the option to enable the production release of Kora Courses in your own system when you are ready. Below you will see links to several webinars and articles that you may find useful. We’re excited to assist you and your community in its transition to Digication Kora Courses.

Links to Kora webinars:

We recommend visiting the latest webinar announcement "Digication Kora Courses Webinars" for up-to-date information on Digication Kora Courses Webinars (updated on October 16, 2024).

Please feel free to share this with others in your community.

Kora Courses Feature Highlights

  • Easily create prompts for students without building full ePortfolio templates.
  • Students can use intended templates or prompts in one click.
  • Foolproof way for students to submit work to you.
  • Assess and grade student work more efficiently.
  • Increase opportunities for social pedagogy.
  • Enhanced LMS integration for Kora Courses - LTI 1.3.
  • Upgraded CSV import for user, Kora Courses, and registration integration.

What Happens to Classic Courses, existing ePortfolios, and templates?

  • Classic Courses will continue to be accessible in the foreseeable future. 
  • No existing content will be deleted or modified due to the Kora upgrade.
  • ePortfolio editing functionalities are not affected by Kora.
  • Existing ePortfolios and templates can be used seamlessly in Kora.
  • Classic courses can still be created until September 2024.
  • Within the same system, you can have courses created in Classic or Kora.

Upgrade Timeline

Coming soon in Fall 2023

  • Assignment import.
  • Administration tools for managing Kora courses.
  • Additional Kora-specific notifications.
  • Gradebook.
  • Optimization for mobile devices.

September 1, 2024

  • All new courses must be created in Kora. Existing Classic Courses will still be accessible.

Resources & FAQ

You can find many new resources and a list of frequently asked questions in the Kora section of our support site. The following resources are helpful guides as you get started:

Enable Kora:

Additional resources:

If you have any questions or would like a personal tour of the latest features in Kora via webinar, please feel free to reach out to us at support@digication.com. 

Kind regards,

Your friends at Digication

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