Notifications overview

Digication Notifications is where you will receive important notifications and announcements from peers, instructors, administrators at your institution, and from Digication.

When you log into Digication, you will find a bell icon in your menu bar featuring a red notification bubble. Clicking this icon will open your Notifications inbox.


A notification will display the name of the user or organization that sent or triggered the notification, and the time that it was sent (1). Below the name and time, you will find the body of the notification (2). Clicking on the notification itself will direct you to the relevant ePortfolio, assignment, or other area of the system referred to in the message. For instance, if the notification is informing you that an ePortfolio Conversation has been updated, clicking the notification will direct you to the Conversation thread on an ePortfolio page.


What types of notifications can I expect to receive?


Your Notifications inbox* is where you will receive the majority of important notifications and communication regarding your account, ePortfolios, assignments, and interaction with peers. Notifications are categorized into six major types:

  • System Notifications** from your institution’s Digication administrators
  • Announcements** from Digication (such as scheduled maintenance)
  • ePortfolio
    • ePortfolio Creation
    • ePortfolio Publish / Update 
    • ePortfolio Sharing
    • ePortfolio Download
    • Video/Audio Upload Processing
  • ePortfolio Template
    • Template Sharing and Approval
  • Course
    • Course Discussions
    • Assignment Submission
    • Assessment Completed
  • Conversations

Digication Notifications does not include course discussions, course group, and EdTPA notifications at this time. The Notifications inbox will not be accessible from pages that are not part of the Digication Kora interface: course pages, LTI, and the administration area.

*The notifications inbox will store up to 1,000 notifications before older notifications are deleted.

**These notification types cannot be turned off and will only appear through the app, not through email. All other notification types can be turned off through the Notification settings, and will trigger a simultaneous email notification which can likewise be turned off through the settings.

System notifications

Your school or institution can use Digication Notifications to send announcements to all students, alumni, or faculty. These could include upcoming deadlines or campus events.

Announcements from Digication

Whenever Digication has important information to share with you, a notification will appear in your inbox. This could include new features, documentation, or upcoming system maintenance down times.

Please note: Digication will only use Notifications for important system announcements and will never send marketing related messages through this channel.


ePortfolio creation

When you create an ePortfolio, you will receive a notification when the system has successfully finished the creation process. This is particularly useful when creating an ePortfolio based on a template with a large number of pages. 

ePortfolio publish/update

You will be notified when a new page is published or deleted from your ePortfolio.

ePortfolio sharing

You will be notified when one user shares an ePortfolio with another through the ePortfolio settings if: 

  • You have been added or removed as an editor, publisher, or admin to an ePortfolio
  • A course, assessment group, or community you belong to has been added or removed as an editor, publisher, or admin to an ePortfolio

ePortfolio download

Digication’s Download feature, which allows you to download your ePortfolio as a zip file, often takes time to fully process and make the zip file available for download. With Digication Notifications, you will receive a notification when your download is available.

Video/audio upload processing

If you use the Record Video or Record Audio tool, or upload video or audio to your ePortfolio, there may be a wait time for the processing of the recorded file to complete. Digication Notifications will let you know when the processing has finished.

ePortfolio template

Template sharing and approval

When another user shares a Template with you, you will receive a notification. Similarly, if you create a template and designate it as a system-wide template requiring approval from a system admin, you will receive a notification if approval is given.


Discussion notifications

When a Discussion is created, all users in the course will receive a notification letting them know that it is available.  Users will also receive a notification each time a response is submitted to the discussion.

Assignment notifications

Instructors will be notified when you submit work to an assignment, and you will be notified when your instructor has assessed or provided feedback on your submitted work.


Updates to ePortfolio Conversations

When another user comments on your ePortfolio using the Conversations tool, you will be notified. You will also be notified if you have participated in a Conversation in someone else’s ePortfolio and the thread is updated.

Filtering by unread and starred notifications

The notifications icon (1) will display the number of unread notifications in your inbox. When you first open your Notifications inbox, you will see all of your notifications, regardless of whether they are marked read or unread. Unread notifications will be designated with a blue dot (2). To mark the notification as read, simply click the blue dot. You can select Mark All as Read (3) to automatically mark all notifications in your inbox as read.


The star icon (4) allows you to mark certain notifications as important for filtering purposes. Notifications from Digication will be starred by default.


At the top of your inbox, you will find options for filtering your inbox to only display unread messages (5), or only display starred messages (6). Both options can be activated simultaneously. 


Filtering by notification type

To open the options for filtering by type, select the hamburger icon at the top of your inbox (1).


This will expand the inbox to display the various options for filtering by notification type (2). By default, All Notifications are displayed. You can choose to filter your inbox to display only:

  • System Notifications - Notifications created by an administrator at your institution.
  • Announcements - Announcements from Digication.
  • ePortfolio - All ePortfolio related notifications, including ePortfolio creation, successful submission to an assignment, and Conversations.
  • ePortfolio Template - Notifications of templates being shared or approved.
  • Course - Notifications of assignment steps being completed.
  • Conversations - Notifications of updates to ePortfolio Conversations

Pause notifications

If you would like to pause notifications for any reason, you can do so by first clicking the clock icon at the top of the Notifications inbox (1).


From the drop down menu, you can select how long you would like to pause your notifications. Once this time is over, you will receive any notifications that were triggered during the pause interval.


Email notifications 

When you are not active on your desktop, you will receive an email from Digication at regular intervals providing a summary of any notifications you have received. When you are active within Digication, you will not receive these emails. Selecting the blue arrow icon (1) for a particular notification will direct you to the ePortfolio, Course, or Announcement referenced in the notification.


Through the Notification Settings, you can set the interval at which you receive these notifications to every 15 minutes, or every hour. To open your Notifications Settings, click the gear icon at the top of the inbox (2). Full documentation for using the Notifications Settings can be found here.


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